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07 Feb 2025Registration for the Indonesian Civil Pilot Academy Banyuwangi Non Regular Line starts from the date..
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Test Exam
07 Feb 2025The implementation of the test examination includes: the Academic Potential Test (TPA), Psychological Test, Interview Test, Physical Fitness Test, Health Test.
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Final Announcement
07 Feb 2025The administration of the exam includes: The final announcement for prospective participants of the SIPENCATAR non-regular route and the dormitory entry schedule
- Indonesian Citizens;
- Maximum age of 23 years by September 30, 2024;
- Requirements for grades :
- For graduates of 2023 and prior, have an average exam score stated on the diploma of not less than 7.0 (on a scale of 1-10) / 70.00 (on a scale of 10-100) / 2.8 (on a scale of 1-4), or
- For graduates of 2024, have an average report card score for the knowledge component for 5 semesters (odd and even semesters for grades X and XI and the odd semester for grade XII) of 70.00 (on a scale of 10-100), with the condition that at the time of re-registration, they are declared pass by showing the Senior High School diploma or equivalent.
- For graduates from abroad or those with a foreign language diploma, attach a letter of equivalence/certification of the diploma from the Ministry of Education and Culture.
- D-III Aircraft Operations Program Study, minimum height for men is 165cm and for women is 160cm;
- Fixed-Wing Pilot Non-Diploma Program. Minimum height for men is 165 cm and for women is 163 cm;
- In good health, without physical or mental disabilities.
- Prospective students must not have tattoos/former tattoos and not have piercings/former piercings on their ears or other body parts, except as required by religious/cultural norms;
- Prospective female students must not have tattoos/former tattoos and not have piercings/former piercings on other body parts except the ears, and must not have more than 1 pair of piercings on each ear (left and right);
- Normal visual acuity without any partial or total color blindness;
- Not currently undergoing or threatened with criminal punishment for committing a crime;
- Never been dismissed as a students in the Transportation Human Resources Development Agency and other Higher Education Institutions with dishonorable discharge;
- Willing to be dismissed with dishonor if engaging in criminal activities, consuming and/or selling drugs, committing acts of violence, committing indecent acts or sexual deviations and/or violating applicable laws;
- Will be disqualified if proven to have falsified identities/documents;
- Willing to sign a Statement Letter for Prospective students (with a stamp duty of Rp.10,000);
- Have an active and valid Electronic Letter/email and phone number;
- Declaration of Unmarried Status proven with a certificate from the Village Office.
- Declaration of Never Married signed by the Village Head in accordance with the domicile (original) (not a letter signed by the applicant, the RT chairman, the RW chairman, or parents);
- Absolute Agreement to the Results of SIPENCATAR Statement Letter (with a stamp duty of 10,000 Rupiah) can be downloaded at https://sipencatar.icpa-banyuwangi.ac.id;
- Indonesian Citizens;
- Maximum age of 23 years by September 30, 2024;
- Prospective students must register online through the portal https://sipencatar.icpa-banyuwangi.ac.id starting from February 27 to Mei 17, 2024;
- Prospective students must make the payment for the SIPENCATAR registration fee first, amounting to Rp. 150,000, through Bank Mandiri with account number 1430081159111 – RPL 100 BLU API BWI UNTUK OPS DK, complete the personal data in the provided form, upload supporting documents in softcopy form, and upload proof of registration payment by including full name and NIK on the registration payment proof;
- The supporting documents referred to in point 2 above consist of:
- Birth Certificate (file format JPEG/JPG/PNG maximum 500 kb);
- Recent passport-sized photo with a red background, facing forward, size 4 x 6 cm (400 x 600 pixels with a minimum of 300 kb and a maximum of 500 kb in jpg format);
- ID Card and/or Family Card (KK) for Prospective students aged over 17 years old; those without an ID Card must use a Certificate of Domicile/request receipt for ID Card creation. Specifically, Prospective students under 17 years old must use the Family Card (KK) (file format JPEG/JPG/PNG maximum 500 kb);
- High School Diploma or equivalent (file format JPEG/JPG/PNG maximum 500 kb);
- Equivalency letter/certificate from the Ministry of Education and Culture for foreign graduates or those with foreign language diplomas in PDF format, maximum size 500 kb;
- Statement Letter from Prospective students with Rp. 10,000 stamp duty (downloaded from https://sipencatar.icpa-banyuwangi.ac.id, file format JPEG/JPG/PNG maximum 500 kb);
- Unmarried Status Certificate signed by the Village Head according to domicile (original) (not a letter signed by the applicant, the head of RT, head of RW, or parents);
- Absolute Agreement Statement on SIPENCATAR Results (with a Rp. 10,000 stamp duty) can be downloaded at https://sipencatar.icpa-banyuwangi.ac.id;
- The deadline for uploading documents is October 06, 2024, at 23.59 WIB;
- Complete registration guidelines and requirements can be viewed at https://sipencatar.icpa-banyuwangi.ac.id.